Q: Who is the AB manager ?
Deannasaurusrex Dragovar is the AB Manager.

Q: What is the AMERICAN BAZAAR FlickR URL ?
A: http://www.flickr.com/groups/americanbazaar/

Q: What is the AMERICAN BAZAAR Facebook URL ?
A: http://www.facebook.com/ABMainstore

Q: What is the AMERICAN BAZAAR Group URL ?

Q: What is the AMERICAN BAZAAR VIP Group URL ?

Q: Why should I join the AB VIP Group ?
A: With the AB VIP Group you will have access to the VIP group gifts, the VIP exclusive items and 10 % credits on each purchase ! Look at the VIP wall in the mainstore and you will find exclusive items at ridiculous prices for the VIP members ONLY. The AB VIP group is only 250L to join ! Wear your AMERICAN BAZAAR VIP group tag when you shop and get 10% credit on each purchase. You can cumulate your credit and buy new items with it!

Q: How can I use my credit balance to buy an item ?
A: Here is the setps to use your credit balance to buy an item:

▪ RIGHT CLICK on the vendor you want to purchase.
▪ Choose "MENU".
▪ A blue menu will pop up. Choose "CREDIT".
▪ The item will be sent to you.

Q: How can I know my credit balance ?
A: Click the credit monitor located inside the AMERICAN BAZAAR mainstore. Your credit balance will appears in the local chat.

Q: What can I do If my credit balance is lower than the item I want ?
A: Here is the steps to increase your credit balance to buy an item:

▪ RIGHT CLICK on the credit monitor located in the AB mainstore.
▪ Choose "PAY".
▪ Pay the amount you need. It will be added to your balance.

Q: I deleted the AB VIP Group by mistake, do I have to pay the 250L again?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you do custom work ?
A: No.

Q: I would like to rent a store on the AMERICAN BAZAAR or Belita sims. What can I do ?
A: Send a notecard with your store information to Deannasaurusrex Dragovar and she will put you on the waiting list.

Q: I bought the same item twice, can I get a refund ?
A: Yes. Send a notecard to missqwerty Pevensey including your SL name and transaction history. This is why all AB items are no transfer.

Q: Do you give refunds ?
A: No, but I will find a way for you to be satisfied.

Q: I never received my item. What can I do ?
A: For failed delivery, use the redelivery terminal located inside the AMERICAN BAZAAR mainstore.

Q: Do you offer gift cards ?
A: Yes. AMERICAN BAZAAR offers gift cards at 250L, 500, 750L or 1000L. You can find the gift cards inside the AMERICAN BAZAAR mainstore.

Instructions to buy a gift card:
▪ Click on the gift card.
▪ You have 30 seconds to type the recipient's name in local chat. (Cancel this operation by clicking again)
▪ You may now pay the vendor (RIGHT CLICK).
▪ A gift card will be sent tothe recipient and $L will be credited to their account (The store credit is stored on their UUID).

Instruction to purchase with a gift card:
▪ RIGHT CLICK on the vendor you want to purchase.
▪ Choose "MENU".
▪ A blue menu will pop up. Choose "CREDIT".
▪ The item will be sent to you.

Q: Can I become an AB Blogger ?
A: Please read the AB Bloggers tab.

Thanks :)
missqwerty Pevensey